Welcome to the Game Mechanics Wiki by AstralMyst Creations.
What is this?
Well, it is a wiki where we research, inspect, play with, and analyze different game mechanics. The goal is to have a comprehensive list of mechanics, how to use them, design considerations, examples by other games, and different implementation methods
How do I use the wiki?
Just search for a mechanic, and read up on it. This is still in early alpha and a lot of work needs to be done, however we plan on making it easy to use.
How can I help?
Currently, we are not allowing outside sources to help with this project. If you are interested in helping, have an idea for a page, or want to submit research (and credit will be given), contact us at wiki@astralmyst.com, or visit www.astralmyst.com and fill out our Contact Us form; and we will get back to you.